Canada’s most dangerous jobs of 2022
12 Jan, 2022
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Canada’s Most Dangerous Jobs of 2022

Did you know that there are almost five fatalities on the job every day in Canada? It’s an unpleasant prospect to imagine you or a loved one holding a position that is quite likely to lead to accidents or even death. However, many people are unaware of the potential risks in their line of work. Although firefighters and police officers might come to mind when you think of danger, you might be surprised what jobs are the most dangerous in Canada. Here we list the jobs that put employees at risk and make them so dangerous.

1. Fishing and trapping

The dangers of fishing and trapping became more apparent thanks to shows like “Deadliest Catch.” In fact, this industry sees 52 per 100,000 workers killed each year in Canada. Often these deaths are related to falling overboard with dangers, including being caught up in nets or traps when thrown into the sea – a terrifying prospect!

2. Mining, quarrying and oil wells

Next on the list are jobs in the mining, quarrying or oil well industries. There are 46.9 fatalities per 100,000 workers each year. Many risks are associated with these jobs from cave-ins to fires and from poisonous air to high temperatures. Although advancements in technology and a keener understanding of putting workers’ safety first can help, the dangerous work environments still present risks in these industries every day.

3. Logging and forestry

This industry sees 33.3 workplace fatalities per 100,000 workers each year. It is especially dangerous in areas in B.C. where loggers climb massive trees. Here the number of deaths increases to 100 per 100,000. Again, attempts to make the industry safer for loggers through government safety standards have helped. Still, many would say more should be done to introduce adequate safety controls such as safer machines and equipment.

4. Construction

Construction sites see 20.2 fatalities per 100,000 workers each year. With 1.2 million construction workers on the job every day, a startling one out of every five worker deaths are in construction in Canada. Falls top the list for the cause of death. Improvements in safety and health instruction can help prevent accidents at building sites and equipment upgrades and site safety inspections. Other risks include falling objects, electrocution and spills.

5. Transportation and storage/warehousing

If you drive to work each day, chances are you get caught in traffic due to highway accidents. Many of these accidents involve truck drivers who spend their waking hours on the highways across Canada. Truck drivers and professional drivers see 18 deaths per 100,000 trucking drivers each year.

Shows like “Heavy Rescue: 401” are a perfect example of just how dangerous driving can be for truckers of big rigs. The storage/warehouse industry is also dangerous due to the large vehicles involved and the risks of falling objects, being crushed between walls and vehicles, slips and falls from high heights and racking system failure.

6. Airline pilots

Airline pilots might get to travel, but they are also under great stress on the job. Although risks are not as high as trucking fatalities due to actual crashes, the nature of the work and having hundreds of lives in your hands contribute to increased health issues. Add to this the constant time changes which cause pilots increased fatigue without enough time to adjust to the ill effects of jet lag.

7. Roofers

This lofty job has roofers working from great heights, just like construction workers. Even a fall from a single-story home can cause death. Other hazards include severe burns from tar, electrocution and injuries from falling materials. Fifty roofers are killed on the job each year, most deaths due to falls. Proper gear and training help reduce the risk for injuries and death.

8. Power line workers

Working with high-voltage power lines often in severe weather conditions presents serious risks to power line workers. A common task for linemen is performing repairs on power lines damaged during wind storms. Repairs in high winds increase the risk for accidents. The high-voltage lines can instantly kill workers, with over 1,250 deaths to linemen in Ontario alone in the past ten years.

9. Structural iron and steelworkers

Structural iron and steelworkers are employed at many work sites from houses to bridges and from ships to massive manufacturing or processing plants. Working with iron and steel beams, often using cranes and other dangerous equipment, results in 30.3 deaths per 100,000 workers each year, often due to slips and falls from great heights.

10. Farmers, ranchers, and agricultural managers

The idea of working on a farm or ranch might bring up images of green fields and working in safe environments. However, 36 farm and ranch hands per 100,000 die each year in Canada. Despite technological advances, farmers and ranchers work with dangerous equipment and motorized vehicles that increase the risk for accidents.

11. Trash and recycling collectors

Across Canada, there are approximately 35,000 trash collectors on the job each day. This job presents health and safety hazards to trash collectors with 44.3 per 100,000 workers dying each year. The most common cause of death on the job is being struck by drivers who fail to slow down when passing garbage trucks. These workers are also at risk for infections such as tetanus and hepatitis due to the trash they are exposed to on the job.

The Most Common Causes of Workplace Accidents

The most common causes of work-related injuries and fatalities include:

  • Asbestos Exposure: Asbestos exposure causes mesothelioma, the leading cause of workplace-related deaths in Canada. Over 80% of men with mesothelioma were more than likely exposed to asbestos in the workplace.
  • Slips, Trips and Falls: Slips and trips are the cause of two-thirds of on the job accidents. Breaking it down, 18% of fatalities occur due to falling from great heights, while 13% were related to accidents caused by strikes or “caught-in” accidents related to equipment or dangerous worksite areas.

Other causes of death and injury include workers being overexerted, bodily reactions, being struck by various objects as well as disease and motor vehicle incidents. If you work in one of these industries, you are at a greater risk of injury or death and thus need to have a contingency plan in place if a worst-case scenario occurs.

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