What Happens If You’re Injured In A Snowmobile Accident?
Snowmobiles are popular in Ontario because they allow you to traverse snowy terrain while enjoying the gorgeous scenery the province has to offer. Unfortunately, accidents happen. A rogue log buried under a foot of snow can get in your way or you may swerve to avoid hitting a deer and find yourself thrown from your snowmobile.
Snowmobile Accidents: What Does Your Insurance Do?
Upon injury, many people ask what it will cost to repair their snowmobile. However, this is the wrong question. You should be asking what happens to you if you are injured. Snowmobile insurance is put in place to protect you, the driver, and not the vehicle itself. In Ontario, snowmobile insurance is akin to car insurance. However, the policy has some differences. In a car you have air bags, seat belts and other safety features designed to protect you. Conversely, when you ride a snowmobile, the only protection you have is the helmet you are required by law to wear.
After a snowmobile accident, your insurance covers the loss of income you may encounter if your injury keeps you from working and the cost of any medical treatment involved. That is the true value of a snowmobile policy.
Standard Snowmobile Insurance: How Much Are You Entitled To?
In the event of an accident, your standard snowmobile insurance policy will provide income protection for up to $400/week. If your injury is severe, you may be able to qualify for up to $1 million to cover rehabilitation and treatment costs. However, in order to qualify for this type of financial benefit, your injury must be considered catastrophic. Furthermore, your policy can include a death and funeral benefit to help your family if you succumb to your injuries.
It’s important to keep in mind that the standard benefits of $400/week may not be able to cover your expenses if your injury prevents you from working while you recover. Moreover, non-catastrophic injuries that require years of medical care and treatment come with a financial limitation of $65,000. That amount may not be enough to cover the full cost of your recovery.
The Ontario Auto Policy: Is There Additional Coverage?
There are more comprehensive insurance options you can get to protect you in the event of a snowmobile accident. The best thing to do would be to make an appointment with your insurance broker to find out what other options are available to you. Under the Ontario Auto Policy, you can choose from a myriad of options that are surprisingly affordable. Because no policy is intended to cover everyone, your broker can determine an insurance package that best suits your needs.
Following The Law: What Is Required In Ontario?
To operate and own a snowmobile in Ontario, you are required to purchase a standard insurance policy. This policy includes:
- Third party liability coverage: This ensures that if another person is injured, killed, or you damage their property, third party liability coverage will help with the cost of settling any claims resulting from you being sued.
- Statutory accident benefits coverage: If you are injured or killed in a snowmobile accident, this coverage provides the financial means to pay for rehabilitation, caregivers, income replacement and death benefits. What’s great about statutory accident benefits coverage is that it comes into effect regardless of who is at fault for the snowmobile accident.
- Direct compensation: In the event of an accident that is caused by another driver, direct compensation will cover the costs of any damage your vehicle.
- Uninsured automobile coverage: If you are injured or killed by an unidentified driver or a motorist who is uninsured, you will be covered. Plus, the cost of repair to your snowmobile by an uninsured owner will be covered up to $25,000.
Finding The Right Broker: What Questions Do I Ask?
When it comes to snowmobile insurance, you want to ensure you get a comprehensive package that fits your needs. If you already have automobile insurance, you may want to go with the company that provides it. To determine if you should stick with your same insurance company, ask these questions:
- What type of snowmobile insurance do you offer?
- If I remain with your company, do you offer discounts on snowmobile insurance?
- What will my premiums be?
- Do you offer stand-alone snowmobile insurance and if so, what will it cost me?
- If I have an impeccable driving record, what benefits will that give me? Or, on the other hand, if I do not have an impeccable driving record (tickets, accidents), how much higher will my premiums be?
If you have questions about snowmobile insurance or are looking to find a more comprehensive policy, please contact us. At WB White Insurance, our goal is to ensure that you get the exact coverage you need.
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